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5 new pages of 'Everybody Loves Smiley' are up now on the #Fodongo website!


You can also now download Issue 13 of the zine for free from the @geesegoose store (though every purchase supports the artists participating in it, the coop and the Fodongo project, so please consider it!)


Thanks for reading and supporting independent artists and Free-Culture.

New week, new month, NEW COMIC! 'Family', by Iván G. Azuara is now available for everyone to read:


Please check out more of his work at unpocodetinta.com, and remember you can support him and other authors in this isue at the @geesegoose store!


Thanks for reading and supporting independent artists and Free-Culture.

Friendly nudge that you can get all the digital #Fodongo zines at the link below!


The first 12 you can even download for free!

But remember that every time you buy one 50% of the money you spend is distributed among participating artists (and I love paying artists!). So if you can and want, please consider buying them! If now is not the time, download them for free or read the comics at the site (fodongo.jectoons.net).

Please :boost_ok:! The more people know about this project the more we can propel indie artists and Free-Culture!

Thanks for your attention

geesegoose.caFodongo – GeeseGoose Media Co-Op

What is that?? Is it a plane?? IS IT A BIRD?? No, it's issue 13 of #Fodongo !!


With a sparkly new cover by SPRAK, and comics by @BootlegPotato, @piper and Ivan G Azuara (unpocodetinta.com)! You can get this zine and support the artists and the project at the GeeseGoose store:


Thank you for reading and supporting independent artists and Free-Culture.

:boost_ok: 📣 !!


I am thinking of adding a mailbox section in the #Fodongo zines, starting with Issue 13.

Reply to this post with a comment you would like to be published in the zine, and an attribution name (i.e. how you'd like to sign) and a site you want other people to see. Obviously I will vet the comments (no hate, no proselytizing, no fasc stuff, obvs.) and the sites. Also bear in mind your comment will have the same license as the zine, CCBYSA 4.0

Preferably reference the comics from fodongo.jectoons.net (which one do you love and why, maybe, or another opinion), and keep it somewhat short! But honestly any kind of comment is fine as long as you're being kind.

This is very informal at the moment, will try to set up a form via cryptpad for future issues!

Everyone is welcome. :3

:boost_ok: 📣

fodongo.jectoons.netFodongo: A Free-Culture Comics Zine

Ce matin, le petit 16°C dans la maison me laissait deviner que dehors on avait franchi un nouveau pas. Et, effectivement, le thermomètre me confirme un bon -5°C.
Hier matin, les eaux fumantes du Vidourle s'écoulaient sous un beau ciel bleu. À vélo, les doigts picotaient, mais rien ne viendra entacher ce spectacle matinal.

#photo #MyWork #TravailPerso #CCBYSA #Vidourle #fleuve #nature #river #Gard #Occitanie #France  #hiver #winter #LeverDuSoleil #sunrise #ChroniquesDuGard

What better way to end 2024 than with a new issue of #Fodongo !
You can get it from here:


And read more about it here:


This time around we have contributions from @BootlegPotato , @HarukaK and @maritzac ! Hope you enjoy their delightful comics.

Much solidarity to all!

Hey all, "After Zombie" by SPRAK is now available for everyone to read! First page below, rest on site:


Please check out their other work at sprakcomic.com! And consider getting this Fodongo issue over at Geesegoose:


Thank you for reading and supporting independent artists and Free-Culture.

Hey! The last comic from #Fodongo Issue 9 is now up on the site for everyone to read! It is the latest Everybody Loves Smiley.


(the SSL seems to have expired somehow, but I am working on it getting repaired. Page is safe, despite what your browser might tell you! A ticket has been filed)

You can get the full issu 9 from GeeseGoose for free or by supporting the project for $3 if you want!


Thanks for reading and supporting independent artists and free culture!

🎶 Rien à cacher, C’est très bien
Plus on partage, plus on ne sait rien
On nous espionne vraiment pour rien

Zuckerberg vit-il isolé ?
N’a-t-il lui rien à cacher ?
Le patronat est-il transparent ?
Quand il planque aux îles caïmans.
On nous cache tout, mais on partage
le chat tout doux, le chat qui nage
on enregistre ce que tu aimes
rien est perdu, même ta haine 🎶


"Plenty of Fangs", by SPRAK, is now available for everyone to read! First page below, rest on site.


Please check out their work at sprakcomic.com, and consider buying Issue 6 of #Fodongo! We are fundraising to increase commissions to artists for Year 2.


Thanks for your attention!

Who will create #eurodisco track and it will be best in this contest, I will add it to bonusCD of Anatolix(bonus programs, music and documentation for bonus programs).

No #vocal, only #instrumental
Must be in #ogg, #opus or #FLAC format.
Must be playable by #vlc
No screaming sounds
Only #ccbysa or other #free #art license compatible with GNU GPL version 3.
Must be uplifting.