There was some hail this morning, so I thought I'd take a picture of one of my nearly finished lights to show you. I might add some red stitches to this to support the red lights here, as they are a bit sparse. Those are made after Trichia decipiens (
Beautiful scene on a quiet spring day in #Tennessee. #mosstodon #lichensubscribe
A little late for #WIPWednesday, but time flies anyway. I mounted these today - six little moss embroidery pieces. Now they’re just waiting to be finished with electronics and a few extra stitches here and there where the shape doesn’t quite follow the mounts. One also needs some extra colors.
Three of these are sold (top right, middle, most right); the rest will be in my shop soon - unless someone claims them in a message first.
Some more moss pictures from today.
I'm starting to build an eye for it, looking out for mosses as I cycle the city. It's a bit like trying to find mushrooms in a forest. I do wish I could add the names of the mosses and lichens in the description though.
a bundle for #MushroomMonday , from a quick walk before the week of rain
Man, I was ill with the flu for a long time! I'm back now and working on a few of these! I've stopped using the material I originally used to make these sporophytes (as I was unhappy with some of the material properties), but now I need to find a way to recreate them—similar, or preferably, better.
The revenge of #LichenSubscribe!!! (Now THAT'S a horror movie I'd watch…)
Gravity + surface tension = splash #NaturePhotography #LichenSubscribe #Drops
Lovely little tree creeper #Birding #BirdPhotography #LichenSubscribe