These two big-ass weirdos are about to pop blooms. Any day now. Probably. No pressure, buds.
Originally thought this might be a peony when it first broke through, but that’s no peony. It certainly looks cool whatever it is. It kind of reminds me of a giant asparagus or a cross of something with an artichoke.
"Five springs ago, Emmons threw squash, edible beans, and a variety of brassica seeds in with his standard cover crop mixture and planted it on a couple of acres. The bounty was so impressive that chaos gardens are now a regular part of his annual planting schedule. Some of the produce goes to his own kitchen but most of it gets donated to local community groups—the food bank, youth groups, and churches—with the agreement that they do the harvesting. Emmons estimates that each acre of chaos generates 4,500 pounds of produce."