What a time to start watching Andor.
What a time to start watching Andor.
A nice person on here inspired me to watch #starwars #andor, and it had a lot to say about rebellion. So here are my favorite quotes from Andor for the times ahead:
"Oppression breeds rebellion."
Luthen Rael
"A surprise from above is never as shocking as one from below."
Karis Nemik
"The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear."
Karis Nemik
"Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere. And even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward."
Karis Nemik
"Power doesn't panic."
Cassian Andor
#introduction copy! (formerly @catdad)
hi I'm ghostcatte (they/he)! I'm an artist, software engineer, and sometimes #GameDev & musician
mostly I post my #DigitalArt, including some unfinished, practice, or process work. Sometimes posting fanart and occasionally / lewd art. I'm just gonna throw a bunch of tags for stuff I love too
Every few intervals of months, be it 6 or 12 or ... so ... I watch Rogue One, and each time I watch it, I marvel at how it is truly the best and purest Star Wars movie to ever have been produced.
If Lucasfilm/Disney could replicate Rogue One (and the series Andor is really, really damn good), we'd have worthy modern Star Wars.
I hope they get a clue over there.
B2MO and K2SO from Star Wars Rogue One and Andor. My favourite droid pair unlikely to ever actually meet....
Adding to this with a few more current/recent/long term interests for connection purposes.
(in no order) #MalevolentPod #SpiritBoxRadio #IAmInEskew #GoodOmens #Sandman #Blakes7 #DoctorWho #Mandalorian #Andor #XFiles #Folklore #Cryptids #Paranormal #LordOfTheRings #DnD #TTRPGs #FolkHorror #Hiking #Nature
#introduction update!
hi I'm ghostcatte (he/they)! I'm an artist, software engineer, and sometimes #GameDev & musician. gender: undefined / #nonbinary
mostly I post my #DigitalArt, including some unfinished, practice, or process work. Sometimes posting fanart and occasionally / lewd art. I'm just gonna throw a bunch of tags for stuff I love too
This is not a scree, not a rant.
In fact, this is as close to Nemik's Manifesto as you'll get from me.
For more thoughts, I recommend Eugene Debs, Thomas Paine, David Hume, J.J. Rousseau, and Thomas Piketty.
Edit: Buncha dudes.
Try also: Anais Nin, Octavia Butler, Lucy Cooke, Karen Strier, & Isabel Wilkerson
Just waiting for my guy to come back. #StarWars #MayThe4th #Andor
I haven't seen all of Disney's Star Wars shows. The ones I have seen, though, all look amazing: the sets, the CGI, the post-production work. All awesome. The acting, too, tends to be universally stellar, despite the widely varied quality of what's being produced.
What's the difference? What makes something like #Andor stand out?
The writing.
The editing as well, of course. Editing is equally critical for pacing and structure. But it's the writing that gives the editors a core of astonishing quality with which to fine-tune the narrative.
Of all the shows I repeat binge watch - and there aren't many - it's quality writing that makes them stand out.
Pay the writers. Support the #WGA.
I haven't mentioned my Hugo fan art eligibility this year as I think I only have two eligible pieces!
But for what it's worth here they are. Both covers to the Journey Planet fanzine.
There is a wound that won't heal at the center of the galaxy. There is a darkness reaching like rust into everything around us. We let it grow, and now it's here. It's here, and it's not visiting anymore. It wants to stay. The Empire is a disease that thrives in darkness, it is never more alive than when we sleep.
Perhaps it's too late. But I'll tell you this. If I could do it again, I'd wake up early and be fighting these bastards from the start. Fight the Empire!
In my second #StarWarsCelebration 2023 news vlog, I show you a cool place you may want to visit when you're in London: the #Barbican Centre, where a number of #Coruscant scenes from the #StarWars television series #Andor were filmed: https://youtu.be/3MarAiEttTI
By way of #introduction.
Seven #tv series to know me, which I've watched multiple times:
Planned rewatches:
Christ how did I forget:
“Rule number one, never carry anything you don’t control.”
How would one follow this advice in this world?
One would need only computers with a 100% open source stack. including hardware.
Imagine starting with a mass-produced phone-sized touchscreen and battery that contained zero processors. you would then build a computer that plugs into that and screws onto the back. that would be your smartphone. You control all processors.
Andor is probably the best Star Wars thing we have now and since the original series. Here's my little homage.
Vor einer Weile hab ich hier Cover und erste Infos zu meiner #Novelle "Dies ist mein letztes Lied" geteilt, heute gibt es zur Frage, was eigentlich Queer Storytelling ist und was es mit der Heldenreise zu tun hat, eine ganze Podcastfolge, in der @Atalante und ich versuchen, das aufzudröseln.
Wir reden über Erzählstrukturen, Protagonist*innen, Ursula K. LeGuins Carrier Bag of Fiction und die Serie #Andor.
Unsere 52. Folge ist da!
Sie steht anlässlich der im Februar erscheinenden Novelle von @catrinity unter dem Motto "Queer Storytelling". Wir reden über Geschichtenstrukuren, wie man sie aufbrechen kann, über die Heldenreise, Heteronormativität von Belohnungen, Figuren und Protagonist*innen, queere Rollenspiele und als Medienthema über die Star Wars-Serie #Andor .
Das Audio-Extra für unsere Patrons (mit noch mehr Andor) folgt noch.