Debian 12 "Bookworm" receives its tenth refresh (12.10), featuring 66 bug fixes and 43 security updates. Here's more on that!
Debian 12 "Bookworm" receives its tenth refresh (12.10), featuring 66 bug fixes and 43 security updates. Here's more on that!
Made a #MNTReform kernel for #Guix ... and used my MNT Reform2 rk3588 to build the kernel and successfully booted to #Debian !
With 32GB of ram, 8 moderately fast arm64 cores and an NVMe disk, it seems quite viable to run Guix.
Probably still missing some functionality, but the screen, mouse, keyboard, ethernet all work, at least!
Thanks @josch for organizing those patches so nicely for the reform-debian-packages repository!
Debian 13 "Trixie" plans to feature KDE Plasma 6.3.5, Frameworks 6.12, and Gear 24.12.3, promising an improved Linux desktop experience.
Debian-based Sparky semi-rolling 2025.03 update is out now featuring Linux kernel 6.12 LTS, Xfce 4.20, LXQt 2.1, and more.
Debian is participating in Google Summer of Code! We're seeking candidates who are interested in working on projects and receiving mentorship. Applications are open March 24 - April 8, 2025. #Debian #GSoC
Estas son las distribuciones Linux más seguras de 2025, ¡pruébalas gratis!
Sale el logo de una terminal usando neofetch de #Debian y luego no la ni la nombran en el articulo, muuuu mal noooo?
A #debian cry for help: I need to update the packaging for #vcsh to modern standards before the freeze hits. It's trivially easy in theory, but I just lack the spoons.
I keep being laughably busy with really meaningful work, but I can't make the time to sit down a few hours and read.
Three major projects will conclude soon, but then it's likely too late.
Any help or co-maintainers appreciated.
Retoots OK; being vulnerable in public is Good Actually(TM).
Does anyone have a snapshot of #Debian mirrors from between January 2001 and June 2001?
How to install Debian Testing... and why you might not want to
Odd. Compiled fish 4.0 from source on Debian. Couldn't change shell. Rebooted and I can't ssh into my machine. Password denied.
DietPi 9.11, a Debian-based Linux distro for SBCs, arrives with Pi-hole 6 support, first boot fixes, enhanced Fail2Ban installation, and more.
Hello people,
I have a question about #SelfHosting . I am a beginner in the matter and think about an All-In-One solution, as self-hosting email seems like a daunting task to me. I use #linux #debian and I am familiar with the command-line. So :
#yunohost vs #freedombox vs #casaos
Has anyone tried one of those OSes ? If so, what are your pros and cons about them ?
I‘m heads down in planning a new project for later this year…while I’m setting up a full #foss #audio system based on #debian, I was asking myself #Jack or #pipewire ?? I will be live playing with #TidalCyles and #supercollier, so no recording…what’s your thoughts?
Managed to #DeDRM nearly all our #Kindle books.
I used #Calibre + the DeDRM plugin method (see the link below for more details).
Try to use the Calibre Flatpak or download the official binary from their website. The one packaged for #debian bookworm is missing a python package that is an essential dependency for the plugin.
I've worked out the issues and now uploaded version 2.0 of the Debian packages. As @halcy said in the main announcement, there are a lot of changes.
The other good thing is some optional dependencies are now available in Debian so they're included now too.
La #DebConf25, conférence annuelle des développeuses et développeurs #Debian, aura lieu à Brest(*) du 14 au 20 juillet 2025 (avec une semaine de sprints préalable prévue du 7 au 13 juillet).
Nous sommes à la recherche active de sponsors pour que l'évènement puisse se tenir, et être une réussite; la majeure partie du budget (peu ou prou deux tiers des 300 000 euros minimums que nous envisageons de dépenser pour l'évènement) est dédiée aux bourses de soutien aux personnes participantes (pour le transport, l'hébergement sur site et la nourriture), et plus nous aurons de sponsors fermes, plus nous pourrons étendre le budget pour élargir la participation.
Si vous ou votre employeur utilisez Debian, et que vous avez quelques milliers d'euros pour le mécénat dans votre budget, n'hésitez pas à glisser la brochure de sponsoring dans le parapheur de votre patron.
Quand les inscriptions seront ouvertes, vous pourrez aussi demander à votre employeur de payer une inscription professionnelle ou "corporate" à quelques centaines d'euros (200 et 500), si vous en avez la capacité.
Si un excédent venait à être dégagé (pour l'instant on travaille plutôt à limiter le déficit, soyons honnêtes...), il serait reversé entièrement au budget du projet Debian pour ses dépenses habituelles, notamment d'infrastructure et de réunions, c'est une bonne manière de nous soutenir !
(* à l'IMT Atlantique)
Thursday Ansible update ran smoothly!
Every week, I run an Ansible playbook to update my multiple LXC containers, VMs, and hosts. The only exception is my Proxmox nodes, which I update manually.
Hi Ansible gurus,
What is the simplest way to run it automatically?
I want to avoid overkill solution for my small homelab. :-)