Continuing thoughts on my own history – I came across an image from 1977 that represents a remarkable moment in time for me, as well as a challenge. I was never satisfied with how this printed – but times and technology have changed. So have I.
Continuing thoughts on my own history – I came across an image from 1977 that represents a remarkable moment in time for me, as well as a challenge. I was never satisfied with how this printed – but times and technology have changed. So have I.
Saturday’s book was Unnatural Causes by Richard Shepherd.
I was hoping for inspiration on unusual causes of death. Alas, this is not that book.
Full review:
Just learned from my publisher that there are only 10 copies left!
(well, 15, but she’s archiving 5)
#comics #memoir #gender #parenting
In May we spent a long weekend in Syracuse, where we met and spent our 20s. I've written a lot about what that visit felt like and the memories it conjured, being back in a place that felt so familiar even though so much has changed.
I've finally finished my thoughts on the penultimate place we lived in Syracuse – the lovely old house on Green Street where we had such a lovely little life together.
#life #nostalgia #memoir #memories #Syracuse #SyracuseNY #SaltCity
Good morning Fedi friends!
I’ve been up since 6am reading Scott Kelly’s superb book #Endurance. It’s SO GOOD:
Related: are there any astronauts active in the Fediverse?
Third Ear by Elizabeth Rosner, 2024
Reflections on the Art and Science of Listening
This illuminating book weaves personal stories of a multilingual upbringing with the latest scientific breakthroughs in interspecies communication to show how the skill of deep listening enhances our curiosity and empathy toward the world around us.
Working-Class Memoir & Fiction:
If you're in the Bay Area October 5, 2024, come hear us read. Jenny and Michelle are awesome writers. Their books are great. You'll have a blast!
We're reading together at Bound Together Anarchist Bookstore 7:30pm. It's just up the street from Golden Gate Park. Walk on over after Hardly Strictly Bluegrass.
What a joy it is to have my book Ashes & Stones Shortlisted by the Royal Society of Literature for the Christopher Bland Prize. Thank you to the judges Josh Cohen, Niall Griffiths and Shappi Khorsandi.
#Scotland #ScottishHistory #Histodon #DebutAuthor #WritersOfMastodon #Memoir #CreativeNonfiction #WritingCommunity #WritingLife #RSL #Literary #ScottishBook
Community: Journal of Power Politics and #Democracy in Hell's Kitchen #NYC How our current #politics began in the 1980s and 1990s. #memoir #bookstodon #history
dreading the media cycle that will accompany a bill gates memoir, but fascinated to see how he twists his history
The 5th edition of my Southern Gothic Flash Memoir omnibus is out! Walt Whitman continually edited and extended "Leaves of Grass." What we read now is a literal "deathbed edition" of this work. "Some Books Are Not For Sale" is a living document as well. Additions, Subtractions, Tweaks, and Rethinks. This edition adds 2 extra sections. There is always something to be done. #books #BooksofMastodon #writing #poetry #memoir #SouthernGothic #florida
Hilary Mantel’s posthumous ‘A memoir of my former self’ is of course of great interest to fans of her fiction, but every one of the disparate, beautifully written pieces in this book is worth reading on its own merits.
#hilarymantel #amemoirofmyformerself #nonfiction #memoir #journalism #filmreviews #essays #reithlectures #books #bookstodon @bookstodon
Working on this graphic #memoir has me spelunking the 1980s, with just as much (imagined) claustrophobia, eerie echoes, and a headlamp that simultaneously reveals & obscures.
Getting back to the #wip once again (after being unable to focus, as all my energy & psyche went into my offspring’s healthcare management)
@TeresaHeartchild was nervous about going up 553 feet, but the cheesecake won out. On Dec 3, 2023, Teresa, @billiamjames, and I celebrated our 10th anniversary together with a spectacular view of Vancouver!
Freeing Teresa: A True Story about My Sister and Me.
We just celebrated our 10th Anniversary
!! My sister, @TeresaHeartchild, has lived with me and my husband, @billiamjames since Dec 1, 2013. It's a victory in so many ways. Teresa was wrongly labelled 'incapable' in 2013 and put in a nursing home. Most people don't get out alive—and they don't become #HumanRights champions as Teresa has done.
#IDPwD #downsyndrome #forcedcare #activism
My #memoir tells the tale:
Freeing Teresa: A True Story about My Sister and Me.
Ten years ago today, on Nov 30, 2013, a daring rescue team (my dad, my husband @billiamjames, & me ;-) helped @TeresaHeartchild get free! How we did it is in my #memoir, "Freeing Teresa."
Today, on the 10th anniversary, I sent out a press release. In it, I said, "It's shocking to realize that #ableism -- prejudice against people with #disabilities -- almost held Teresa back from fulfilling her true potential. We need to tell this story to bring about change."
Ten years ago today, on Nov 29, 2013, I called my father about @TeresaHeartchild's sudden placement in the nursing home. He felt that she had been kidnapped. “Listen, I’m really upset now.” Dad was steaming. “I want somebody to bring me down there! And I want to get Teresa out.” “Maybe we should take you down?” I said, “And we could try to get Teresa released.” #FreeingTeresa #truestory #Downsyndrome #forcedcare #activist #memoir #disabilityrights
[Amazon link: ]
Ten years ago today, on Nov 28, 2013, I was heartbroken. I was visiting my sister @TeresaHeartchild on her second day at the Toronto nursing home. Teresa was sitting cross-legged on her bed. On the floor next to her was a row of big plastic shopping bags stuffed with her clothing & belongings. I was pleased that she hadn’t unpacked yet; I took it as a sign that she did not want to stay. [Amazon link: ]
#Downsyndrome #forcedcare #activist #memoir #FreeingTeresa #truestory
Ten years ago today, on Nov 27, 2013, my life and @TeresaHeartchild's were changed forever. Teresa was taken out for a nice breakfast -- and then put into a nursing home (with no medical need to be there and against her wishes).
Read the rollercoaster story: "Freeing Teresa: A True Story about My Sister and Me" #memoir #books #disability #forcedcare
Our publishing co-op is looking for a marketing volunteer, which could lead to paying work once we are funded or selling more books. (We are currently developing a crowdfunding campaign / investment round to launch later this fall.)
We publish #SciFi, #poetry, #fiction, #memoir, #philosophy, and #art. Please help spread the the word!