After court rulings have effectively destroyed the basis for my company, I guess I'll have to see about making significantly more money through #writing.
After court rulings have effectively destroyed the basis for my company, I guess I'll have to see about making significantly more money through #writing.
If you'd consider your life a story, a book or book-series. Even if you wouldn't find it relatable or enjoyable, do you think it is well written?
Feel free to comment with other takes about the authors writing capabilities.
Ne nous libérez pas, on s'en charge
Vous êtes 15 personnes connues et vous prétendez parler en notre nom. Nous sommes anonymes mais nous nous battons chaque jour pour nos droits, pour nos mères, pour nos sœurs, pour nos filles.
Contre-tribune – Collectif FFF (Femmes Féministes du Fédiverse)
Publié le 09/03/2025
@embroidery @crossstitch @christianstitchers @charitystitchers @fiberart @fibrearts @fiberarts @textilearts @crafts @artsandcrafts
#GoodAdvice, both with *and* without embroidery floss!
Found here:
If you do not look
at everything critically
and scrutinize
you go through life blind
Wow. Amazing news. Type 1 diabetes reversed by new cell transplantation technique: Transplanting insulin-producing cells along with engineered blood-vessel-forming cells has successfully reversed type 1 diabetes, according to a new preclinical study. With further testing, the novel approach could one day cure the as-yet incurable condition.
58 years around the sun today. And I'm grateful.
#birthday #newbeginnings #live #life #love (the real kind) #labr #loveabrotherradio
暖冬 (Reward) (2014) [3 min] by Po Chou Chi | #Taiwan
I found no hold
in this world
Never could I see
the light of hope
Not given
I was not given the strength to live
Not given
I could not find
The love I sought for so long
I could not find
For all those who ask themselves these questions, doubt but continue to fight
My new Medium article is up! It examines the impact of the opioid crisis on indigenous Canadians. Medium subscription required. Free access link provided upon request. #Health #Life #HarmReduction #DrugPolicy #OpioidCrisis #Politics #Society
People above 40, how do you remember what did you work on last week? What was the situation of that other thing/project? How do you go back/ jump arround? Something that can work with an #ADHD brain.
New instance, new #introduction
My name is Mike (a.k.a. "shellsharks”) - I am a security researcher, #IndieWeb advocate, all-things #Fediverse convert and all around #tech enthusiast.
I write about #infosec, #technology and #life over at
Here's some other stuff I like... #apple #sports #travel #battlestations #food #starwars #lotr #pokemon #gaming #space #fitness #nba #basketball #hiking #camping #music #coding #programming #cybersecurity
So what's going on with this instance? Is this my "main" presence or am I still on Fair question. The answer is, yes! This is a #GoToSocial instance, on a new fun, shiny, vanity domain. If it works out, I might end up moving all my activity over here and shutting down the Mastodon instance I have at Until then, I'm operating out of both spaces. This also means that for now, I haven't migrated my followers (or followed accounts) over here, so don't be offended if I haven't followed you back yet! I don't want to knock this fairly low-spec'ed instance over so I'm taking it slow with how I am using it.
Why am I doing this? Well for one main reason really, I wanted an instance where I could post more than 500 characters at a time. GtS gives me that, and much more. Bonus points for A. being less resource intensive than Mastodon (so cheaper to run), B. more customizable and C. I could get an even more ridiculous vanity domain.
So don't be surprised to see a lot more from this account than my usual @shellsharks account. If you'd like, you can follow me here for now. No worries either way.
See y'all around Fedi!
We are, quite literally, made of the landscapes we inhabit – the #air we breathe, the #water we drink, the #food we eat.
In this article, contributor Nolan Monaghan explores how biophysical processes like the carbon and nitrogen cycles bridge the local and the global, laying the groundwork for a deeper, metaphysical connection with the planet.
Read the full article here:
'Listening to the Quiet' with #HarrisonFord - 2025
Once you have awakened to your own agency, you can change your life through every choice you make, regardless of the category:
• health
• wealth
• relationships
Wouldn't it be great if you had a little bit of help along the way? This is some game-changing stuff. If you're ready to make 2025 your best year, click the link:
Wow. Eighteen. What's your score?
Remember, you're not supposed to reveal what you have or haven't done.
ShopTalk: I've tried to explain to AT&T that my Mastodon account is a public service, but have been thus far unsuccessful in convincing them to provide my internet service at no cost. If you enjoy my Chicago photography, poetry, writings, artful profanity, content curation, fairy updates etc., pls consider buying a book, booking a coaching session or buying me a coffee. Deets at the link. Thanks!
Direct tip jar:
CashApp $mckra1g
Venmo @mckra1g
Here's the one you've been waiting for - the 10th Annual "Things I Like" report for 2024. #storytelling #gear #life