Got my new original song “unstable” up tonight. Angst driven fast aggressive tune. Sign of the times. #music #rock #guitar #recording #OriginalMusicTracks
One of the cool things about Mastodon is the ability to follow hashtags. Just like the one you used for #mastodon, try adding one for #guitar or #customMade or whatever to you posts about those topics. People will see your post if they follow that #. Some people add lots of hashtags to cast a wide net. With no “algorithm” the only way to have content show up in your feed is to follow it and interact with people. And post your YouTube links in your profile. Welcome to the fediverse.
This is just… insane, in the best senses of this word! And also very beautiful. #Music #AcousticGuitar #Guitar
Cigarettes and Whiskey, Crows and Blues.
A man sits on his porch playing blues guitar accompanied by two crows.
Original art made by hand.
Jazz Symphonic Orchestra
Jazz Symphonic Orchestra of Sao Paulo
Orquestra Jazz Sinfonica de Sao Paulo
Sketches done live during a concert, watercolour completed later.
#JazzSymphonicOrchestra #SaoPaulo
#OrquestraJazzSinfonica #BuyIntoArt #concert #watercolour #FediGiftShop #doublebass #violin #woodwind #MastoDaoine #Mastoart #guitar #trombone #jamesmccormackartist
Save 50% on Guitar Rig 7 Pro by Native Instruments
Adventures in Recording Music 1:
As someone who initially became a musician through my vocals, hearing myself ‘correctly’ is a lifelong struggle. Sensory overload is a big problem for me, but generally when I think of sensory overload I’m having to tolerate a negative input. Making music is a blend of positive sensory overload and negative sensory overload and of learning to process the difference so I can harness the sounds I’m looking for and filter the sounds my brain is negatively amplifying.
I have a horrifying memory of hating hearing my voice on recording for the first time and having no sense of the technology, the atmosphere, or the setting driving the character of the sound as much as my own vocal cords. The way sound travels from my mouth to my ears is highly distorting itself. Its normal for artists to vacillate between hating and loving their work. But day to day changes in how my brain processes sound makes pinning down ‘audio reality’ very difficult. Now that I’m diving more into recording guitar, the ‘black box’ technology of acoustic pickups add another layer of interpretation.
Past attempts to record my guitar straight into a microphone have given me good results but I want to be able to produce more complex sound profiles. The pickups on my acoustic guitar, I’m learning, are not built for my playing style. I have a rhythmic playing style that generates a lot of pick-noise on the internal pickups. In the time it has taken me to figure this out, I’ve been obsessing over my playing style, thinking that the difference in sound quality has been a result of poor technique, starting to convince myself that it was revealing fundamental flaws in the way that I play and that I have to re-think everything. This is all despite the fact that I have many years of direct to microphone recording that says otherwise. Suffice to say I’ve been giving myself headaches.
A lot of this comes down to the way my brain processes sound. Once my ear picks up on a ‘flaw’, and begins to hyper-focus, I lose the ability to properly filter and balance the sounds that I’m hearing. I’ve had to walk away from playing guitar for a couple days because I know that right now, I cannot objectively listen to my music. This can be extremely frustrating, when I’m feeling such a drive to make progress on this, but I’m trying to remind myself that learning to interpret sound is a musical precursor to recording.
Virtual Guitarist IRON 2 instrument by UJAM on sale for $19 USD
Here’s my new song Broken Lawn Chair. 4 guitars. Danelectro baritone & Fender p-bass up the middle and Gretsch 5422 & Danelectro 59M panned hard left & right. Baritone is tuned down to A. Harp is Hohner G mic’d & through MXR Timmy. Nice to do some blues again. #OriginalMusicTracks #music #recording #guitar
Steve Vagnini / SLV Events presents Songs of Love by Dan Frechette & Laurel Thomsen, plus opening act Magenta Spreen, at Wave Street Studios on Feb 14, 2025, 7-10 pm. Event link / tix: Link to Dan & Laurel’s site:
Wave Street Studios is great location to bike/walk/scoot to. It’s directly along City of Monterey section of Monterey Bay coastal trail. (Planning to bike there & want to join a bike train? Phone us.) Sorry, skateboarders: "It is unlawful to ride a skateboard on Monterey Coastal Trail between head of Fisherman's Wharf and City limit with Pacific Grove.”—Section 22-14 Monterey City Code.
There’s a radiantly heated bench on patio, providing cozy place to sit if you prefer outdoor seating. Don’t miss Dan & Laurel performing in this extraordinary, beautiful venue.
For those who like alcohol, Wave Street has permit now.
Just played In My Life with my youngest son on two guitars. He's named us The Bottles. It can only be a matter of time before we sign a record contract and go on tour
Save up to 79% on Session Series instruments by Applied Acoustics Systems
Overloud announces TH-U v2 guitar amp software
Nembrini Audio releases Hughes & Kettner Puretone Plugin
#Introduction (1)
Hi - I've been on #Mastodon for over a year, but have just moved to this lovely instance.
#English born cishet man with a #European heart, I live in #Portsmouth with my family and #PetRats.
Non-partisan politically but tend to a liberal, #Green stance with strong emphasis on critical thinking. #Feminist and #LGBTQ ally.
Musically into #Vinyl records (mostly #Indie, #BritPop, #Prog, #CanterburyScene, #JazzFusion). Also play #BassGuitar, #Guitar and #Drums, but rusty on all.
#Guitar people: I overdid it a couple days ago, after not playing for some months. Now the tip of my left pinky hurts when I touch it. No visible swelling or extraordinary redness.
Have you ever run into this? What helped you recover? How do you prevent it from recurring?