Update on my broken paw.
I saw the physio today. All seems to be healing as well as can be expected and he gave me exactly what I wanted. Which was a series of exercises to help my hand. He did seem slightly mystified as to why I was still wearing the wrist brace, which, as I already knew, is not necessary and seemed somewhat confused with my explanation that it helped me to remember that the hand was injured. Further explanation that I'm not always aware of pain and that I've never met a door frame yet that I haven't eventually bumped into and that I wore it for added protection, for some strange reason, didn't seem to help.
On a further note, coming up to three weeks off work means that I have almost completely lost track of what day it is. I spent all last Tuesday utterly convinced that it was Monday. As a consequence, waking up the next day to find out that it was Wednesday, meant that part of me was utterly convinced that somehow I had been robbed of a day.
All I can say is, given that I spend so much time on here, which one of you bastards did it?
(Although, my money is on that bloody armoured squirrel.)