Here's an #ActionMatinee shout out for tomorrow, 2/3/24 to: @howler0502 @MatthewTitus88 @analgesicsleep @kcarr2015 @dbfulton @Kinetograph @adnerbia @bunnyhero @OldRustBucket @joewynne @LK_877 @JanineFromPgh @blixyscrumpfer @rljenk @neokefka_99 @secretlybatman @ManWithPez @ryan
#WatchParty episode links, ALT-TEXT, and series info in the post above
ANYONE who likes #BreakoutKings is WELCOME
#ActionMatinee invites everyone to join our #WatchParty Saturday afternoon, Feb. 3rd, beginning at 2pm ET.
BREAKOUT KINGS (2011-2012)
US marshals & former fugitives team up to track down prison escapees -- in return for shorter sentences natch.
Season 1 begins with some familiar faces from REACHER There's a free
or S1 is available on DVD starting at $8 on ebay. We'll be watching 2 eps/week.
2:00pm ET - S01E01 -
3:00pm ET - S01E02 -
EVERYONE is invited to tomorrow's #KungFuSat #WatchParty if you like cray cray martial arts movies
MASTER OF THE FLYING GUILLOTINE (1976) 's free YT and plot info in the post above
Shout out to: @howler0502 @MatthewTitus88 @analgesicsleep @kcarr2015 @dbfulton @Kinetograph @adnerbia @bunnyhero @OldRustBucket @joewynne @LK_877 @JanineFromPgh @blixyscrumpfer @rljenk @neokefka_99 @secretlybatman @ManWithPez
#WatchParty updates for FRI, 1/26 - THU, 2/1
Check the calendar for detailed listings & updates throughout the week @
Thank you to our hardworking hosts @MatthewTitus88 @Taweret @MirrorAyako @analgesicsleep @rsmon77 @culturalgutter @lilymarswrites @revmagdalen @jigmedatse
The next stop on the #NYD24Parade and vps load test service is starting soon at 2200 UTC
Please join @retrostrange RetroStrange TV streaming at:
"A greatest hits collection of short subjects (with host segments) for your viewing pleasure, ad-free, tracker-free, surveillance-free as always."
Full parade route and links for the entire event at:
"Come, play with us, Mothra ..."
Going to be live-drawing the Ito Twins as the Shobijjn during tomorrow's Monsterdon presentation of Mothra (1961). Watch and toot along during the show while I post progress shots and riff along with the rest of the Monster-heads. The show starts at 9 PM EST!
#Monsterdon #Monsterdrawn #Mothra #FanArt #WatchParty #CultMovies #Art #TheShining
Trying something new for this weekend's Monsterdon! Going to be working on some live-drawn kaiju art during Sunday's presentation of Destroy All Monsters and posting progress shots as the show goes on. If you want to draw along or have some kaiju-themed art of your own, please pst along with the #Monsterdrawn hashtag! Show starts Sunday night at 9 PM EST on Mastodon and Tubi!
#Monsterdon #DestroyAllMonsters #Kaiju #MonsterMovies #NewArt #Toho #FanArt #Art #WatchParty
#WatchParty list for FRI, 11/3 - THU, 11/9
See for details
#SymSat #ILikeToWatch
#RetroView #MusComEnt
#Monsterdon #CultShelf #StarTrek #ScienceFiction #kaiju
#Catitstu ( #Hannibal) #ShieldTV
#FridayThrillerClub ( #Hitchcock)
#MondayActionMovie #ActionMatinee #KungFuSat #WestWed ( #Westerns)
hosts @MatthewTitus88 @Taweret @MirrorAyako @rsmon77 @analgesicsleep @stuartgrist @jigmedatse @revmagdalen
Tomorrow for our Saturday #Scarefest #WatchParty (8/12/23), we are continuing Wes Craven month at 8:00 PM US Central by streaming 1981's DEADLY BLESSING, followed at around 10 PM by DEADLY FRIEND (1986).
Let me know if you'd like to join us!