I promised the wifey I'd showcase the game she got me as a holiday gift: Rain World!
There will be platforming, and survival, and probably a lot of dying? But most importantly: slugcat!
I promised the wifey I'd showcase the game she got me as a holiday gift: Rain World!
There will be platforming, and survival, and probably a lot of dying? But most importantly: slugcat!
For a final stream of the year, I'm ...marathoning? yeah, we'll call it that... the rest of "The Fable of the Swan" by Jenna Katerin Moran!
I'll read for a couple hours, have a dinner and dog walk break, then continue reading until the book's done, sometime before the turn of the year in my zone!
You know what feels good? After a super awkward breakup, from a relationship you were never sure you wanted to be in to begin with? Ripping out your ex's heart and transforming him into a key that will open the Basalt Gates and end the lie that is the world.
Let us revel in it!
Fable of the Swan!
By Jenna K Moran!
I will *not* fall asleep! I will return to stream to continue telling you all the story of the girl who had her heart stolen and who got it back and shoved it back in through her ear but lost her best friend in the process!
it's Fable of the Swan time again!
It's a date night! @viscountexx and I are taking a pleasure cruise on the peaceful waters of the Unterzee. Come sip cocktails with us! It'll be chill!
We're halfway through "The Fable of the Swan" by Jenna Moran! Tonight, the very Headmaster of the Bleak Academy, who is called Death he, comes to visit. Let us read what happens next!
After a couple weeks' misses, I'm back reading Jenna Moran's "The Fable of the Swan", now with an ebook reader that hopefully won't randomly crash on us...?
It's time to delve into the mystery of Desmond! Whoever he wasn't! A *brother*. What a concept!
Recovering from the week's shocks and bumps with afternoon exocolonialism!
We're going to turn 18 soon! That's exciting, right? That's when you're allowed to *smooch* people, pretty sure that's the rule, mm mm
Desmond? Desmond? *Desmoooooooond*!!?!
who's Desmond?
(going live reading Jenna Katerin Moran's "Fable of the Swan"! It's the fourth such stream, but don't worry. It wouldn't make any more sense if you'd been there from the beginning. )
OK, maybe 10AM Central was an ambitious start time to try putting on the schedule, but! I *am* going live, whatever the timing!
Let's return to Vertumna this Autumn and continue growing up!
Taking a stab at
1. reestablishing a stream schedule. Solo streaming Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings, Americas time?
2. A revised approach to my audio filter chain
Both will probably derail horribly and immediately!
But, along the way... I'll be reading some more Fable of the Swan by Jenna Katerin Moran!
'Tis I, Dame-Armiger Kali Ranya! I like to read things!
Tonight I'm continuing "The Fable of the Swan" by Jenna Katerin Moran. One stream took us 10% of the way through the book, according to my ebook reader! So let's get a move on, and find out what this whole "pulling people's hearts from their chests, benevolently" thing is about?
In honor of Twitch adding "Writing and Reading" as a content category, I'm reading the surreal fantasy "Fable of the Swan" on stream! Watch out for flying dodgeballs and try to remember what the Sun looked like...
(Permission was obtained from author Jenna Moran to do this -- thank you, Jenna!)
It may not be a Saturday, but it's an opportunity for some Touhou universe streaming anyway! @mistydaydreams is joining me for more of Mystia's Izakaya!
We've made some questionable decisions about debt... can we get out of it with courage, dedication, and a steady stream of youkai customers?
He's Kominagetcha!
Kom home with us to the distant planet of Vertumna...
The people are starving, but we will survive, Kom hell or high water!
Gasp! It's Kali Ranya, back from the dead on the anniversary of... wait, who's Kali Ranya?
Anyway! I'm still here, still kicking, still roleplaying a moody enby in I Was a Teenage Exocolonist! Come, let us hunch our shoulders and pout together!
We're on a slightly different beat tonight: @kitaensilva and I will play Touhou Mystia's Izakaya as a short break from Artificial Dream in Arcadia! Let's ... manage a cafe?
As hinted! It's time for I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, in place of the weekend's perviously* scheduled Touhou. Kombucha my love! Wait for me!
*Typo yes, but funny, so I left it
I postponed last night's usual Touhou stream to tonight, for mental health reasons, but I feel ready to go now!
As always each weekend, I'm joining @kitaensilva to continue learning about Touhou via the fan game Artificial Dream in Arcadia! Tonight we're going to the moon!
How has another week passed already? Oh yeah, it's because we here in the States detonated a couple days of the week with excessive patriotic force.
Well! All the better! @kitaensilva and I are ready to return to the peak of Mount Youkai to battle the caretakers of the Shrine again!