The state of my Home Assistant in 2024
My #homeautomation journey started 4 yrs ago (2020) when I bought 1 Aqara #zigbee hub, 1 room temp. sensor and 1 smart socket (for controling the heating of the office). I started with Aqara app. with 1 automation: If office temp < 21 turn on the pump, if > 22 turn it off.
After some months I moved to Home Assistant (in 2022).
The state today (end of 2024) is somehow different:
- Home Assistant system running in VirtualBox on an old i5 4GB RAM laptop
- 24 zigbee devices
- Sonoff Zigbee dongle (router for all zigbee devices)
- Tuya 3 phase electricity meter (for measuring electricity consumption on all 3 mains)
- 8 Tuya/Aqara/Elivco smart sockets (for monitoring the consumption of various individual devices like dishwasher, production of solar panels, controling central heating pump etc.)
- 3 sonoff smart switches (for controlling bathroom exhaust fan, aquarium/terrarium lights and pumps, charging of tablet)
- Aqara smoke detector
- 3 Ikea movement sensors
- Ikea air quality sensor (to improve our ventilation – window opening habits)
- 2 Aqara door sensors
- 1 Aqara temp/humidity sensor
- 1 Aqara button
- 11 BLE devices
- Xiaomi Mi temperature/humidity sensors connected to ESP32 BLE proxy
- all Xiaomi sensors flashed with custom firmware
- 5 ESP32 (ESPHome) wifi devices
- 40 automations for (major functionalities):
- Controlling bathroom exhaust fan and adopting humidity threshold to external humidity
- Controlling office heating radiator (pump)
- Unlocking front door via NFC stickers
- Controlling and monitoring aqarium and terrarium lights/pump
- Notifying if windows are opened too long
- Front door ring bell notifications
- Turning off TV and related devices at night
- Monitoring solar panels output and export to grid, turning on various devices to minimize electricity export
- Notifications in case of goind over max. ‘agreed’ grid power draw (>8,4kW)
- Various notifications of 3D printer (too hot, finished)
- Total: 1400 entities in #homeassistant
- 1 main dashboard
- ~40 other lovelace dashboards, for each room that has at least one device
That’s very brief description of my Home Assistant system at the end of 2024. I’m documenting the progress and the document is already 100 pages long.
Maybe it sounds a lot, but I feel I didn’t even scratched the surface.
Plz. send help 
When I published this info on Fediverse, I found out there are people with far larger setups (200+ zigbee devices).
Good, it looks like I still have some self-control 
Join the AHA (Anonymous Home Assistants
) debate on Fediverse.
Tags: #homeassistant #zigbee #ble #selfhosting #wifi #esp32 #esphome #tuya #aqara
If you’re reading this on fediverse and the layout (embedded pics) is off, here’s the link to the original blog post.