...and on the note of the Israel thing, let's move on to #antisemitism, and #racsim in general.
There is a VERY serious problem, in this country, of people #stereotyping others based entirely on demographics. Too many people in the #US do not understand that you cannot make any assumption about a person based on #SkinColor alone, let alone the complex relationship between #Jewish people, who have suffered 1000s of years of #persecution, and #Israel, a country they see as a last safe-haven in events like the #holocaust.
Tossing aside the stark contrast in expanding protections for #marginalized groups, as opposed to totally ending them, the way people in prominent positions speak plays a lot into this.
Harris's talk of unity, looking past our differences, of accepting each other as #Americans and #Human beings, is exactly what we need a leader to do right now. Contrast with her opponents saying despicable things like "Jews will be to blame".
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