What are your thoughts on @gretathunberg and her climate activism?
Poll ended, thanks for participating!
I heard Mastodon likes moss
- 24mm
- 1/30 sec
- f/2.8
- ISO 200
Rotting logs contain multitudes. @KnowableMag reports on how they’re home to critters, bacteria, fungi and more — and scientists are only scratching the surface of how the vital ecological process of breaking down wood works.
#Science #Ecology #Biology #Forests #Fungi ##Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday
(To my US followers ) I wrote: "Obviously, the immensely rich #diversity of choices offers evolutionary advantages for a wide variety of environments." I'm just writing about #moss sex.
Without Newspeak.
I'm proud to use the so-called "flagged" words https://steadyhq.com/en/naturematchcuts/posts/00aabadd-63c5-4f3d-93a9-e93ebda61377
Yes, my podcast comeback episode will be about #Moss!
"A new study led by an ecology and evolutionary biologist at UC Santa Cruz finds that temperature changes due to climate change have a doubly detrimental impact: Not only do they destabilize animal populations, but the impacts accelerate as temperatures change more rapidly".
#ecology #temperamture #climatechange
FREE community #fediscience, please BOOST!
Everybody welcome, just turn up!
LIVE @UCLAnthropology and on ZOOM
TONIGHTTuesday Feb 4, 6:30pm (London UTC)
Paulina Michnowska talks on
'Notes from the Forest--storytelling with the Penan of Borneo'
In the age of the Anthropocene, interdisciplinary methodologies are seen as powerful tools to redraw and relearn our connections. Fine art practices that examine and rethink the position of ecology, indigenous heritage, and natural processes are gaining momentum and critical force. Moving away from a western-centric vision, they attempt to present new connections with the environment and cultural diversity of marginalised communities.
Artist Paulina Michnowska will explore a recent fieldwork trip to the rainforest of Borneo, where a series of art-based collaborative activities took place with the community of Penan people. It will focus on how deforestation, urbanisation, and environmental changes have affected the Penan people’s way of living and their relationship to the surrounding landscape. It will also look into the latest approaches to collaboration and knowledge exchange that the Penan people co-designed with artists and external researchers to preserve and protect their cultural heritage.
Paulina will be speaking LIVE in the Daryll Forde, 2nd Floor of UCL Anthropology Dept, 14 Taviton St, London WC1H 0BW. Come in good time by 6:30pm before doors close please. You can also join on ZOOM ID 384 186 2174 passcode Wawilak.
People: "Why should I bother sorting the garbage?! It all goes to landfill anyway!"
The same people: "How dare you say that I'm turning the world into one huge landfill?! It's all recycled!"
I’d like to follow more folks who post about #textiles (especially #weaving #spinning and #sewing) #fiberarts #disabiltyjustice #anarchism #gardening #ecology #landstewardship #diy #communitybuilding #zines
If these tags bring anyone to mind I would love for you to let me know/tag them, thanks!
If you live in the #MojaveDesert or have Spring Break travel plans to Death Valley or Las Vegas, you can help study Joshua trees!
Yoder Lab grad student Pryce Millikin has an iNaturalist project for Joshua tree flowering and fruiting, to study the trees' specialized pollinators
Plus, there's an accompanying theoretical essay
Eating The Sun, essay published by Makery
Eating The Sun, essay printed in The Laboratory Planet Journal
This one is for ceramics lovers and economists!
We've been cooking up some artistic research on photosynthesis & bioeconomics for a year now, and we're happy to share the results!
It is called EATING THE SUN and consists of 12 engraved ceramic plates.
Each plate explores a distinct perspective (biophysics, bioeconomics, philosophy…) relating renewable solar irradiance to the fundamental material needs of humans.
You can find out more about each plate, and the research they encapsulate in the form of laser-engraved illustrations here
#brussels but mostly #oostende - #europe
#ecology #nature #history #art #walks #cycling #opensource #freedom #linux #epicurean
supporting #democracy #ukraine, boycotting russia, china, big US tech
working in IT - convincing my employer to stop using MS/Azure - US cloud in general
#english #nederlands #francais un poco #espanol - ein bichen #deutch